Free Spirit Hi S''inc ER 12ft 3.5lb 50mm
£900 for 3 rods
The Hi-S range is often assumed to only be a long/extreme range of rods, this couldn’t really be further from the truth, there is a Hi-S rod to suit every anglers needs. What sets the Hi-S’s apart from other makes/models of rod is the unique process used to make the blanks, Free Spirit have developed by using Low Resin 40t Carbon a method that can create a rod that has great casting potential, incredible accuracy and fast tip speed recovery but does not compromise the rod when feel and playability are needed.
This rod will cast a 2.5oz lead accurately at say 60 yds but will also handle a 3 ½ oz or 4oz lead being pushed out to 140yds or in Hutch’s hands over 180 yds! It will handle pva sticks or smaller solid bag work and is comfortable fishing small waters through to any big pit at “Long Range”.